Sunday, 25 November 2012

Body structures and their trends continues

Ø  Full-bodied/Big-boned Stature:these people are usually described as “plump” or “homely”. They are to avoid tight and undersized clothings as they would look “stuffed” in them. Well tailored outfits and slightly loose clothing are great on them. This enhances their body structre and gives a smart and vibrant look. Horizontal stripes are a “no no” and checks are to be used with caution but vertical and diagonal stripes are great as they lenghten the body.       
              Broad shouldered people, regardless of   height are to    avoid clothes with shoulder pads,embellished or detailed necklines and designs that draw attention to the neck and shoulder as these emphasizes the width of the shoulders, while narrow shouldered persons can wear such as well as sleeveless or short sleeved clothes but not “off-the-shoulder” designs.
             Diagonal lines and assymetrical cuts can be worn by all shapes      and sizes as they draw attention to the style of the clothes but not to the area that is being hidden, although it also depends on the design and cut of the outfit. However, horizontal lines/stripes are to be worn with caution by all shapes and sizes as they give the illusion of width and fullness. They have to be well mixed and managed to look great.

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